Time Saving Tips for TSA Security line with Baby


My son Harry’s first flight was when he was 6 months old. During that trip, I was fortunate to have a female TSA agent pull me aside and explain to me that I was doing it all wrong in the security line. She then shared with me the proper order that I should be loading everything through the security scanners. I’m grateful for her advice because it has saved me so much time over the years! With her advice, my son and I  breeze through security every time. I’m sharing her tips here to help you coast smoothly through the security lines like a pro!

To flow easily through the security line with your baby, it is important to put your items on the security belt in the correct order so that everything is inspected and ready to go as quickly as possible.   Here are 3 simple steps that have worked well for Harry and me every time.

3 Steps to easy breezy experience at the TSA Security Line when flying with Baby

  1. Always put all liquid items on the belt first: Bottles, Formula, Breast Milk, Liquid Medications, etc. These items  require extra time for testing, so if you put them on first, they can be tested while your other items are being scanned.
  2. Strollers and baby carriers should go on the belt next. Sometimes these are too large to fit in the machine and need to be hand checked. That also takes some time, so have those run second.
  3. You may need to have someone hold your baby while you load the rest of your belongings and shoes onto the belt. If you are traveling alone with your baby, ask for assistance with your things so that you can hold on to your baby while someone loads all of your personal items for you.Next, you will carry your baby through the security metal detector. By the time you get to the other side, your baby carrier or stroller should have cleared the security scanner. Once you get the baby secured in the stroller, you can gather your belongings and put on your shoes. By the time your shoes are on, the liquids should have cleared security and you will be ready to head to your flight.

For additional airport security information here is a link to the TSA site for the latest regulations when traveling with children.  Traveling with Children/Transportation and Security Administration

Sarah Hirsch
Sarah Hirsch

Sarah is a Chicago-based luxury travel influencer, Virtuoso luxury travel advisor, luxury family travel writer, an Oprah Daily Ambassador, and the founder of WellTraveledKids.com. Sarah’s best travel companion is her sweet 12-year-old son, Harry. Her favorite getaways include a luxe hotel stay, quality family playtime, champagne & chocolate-covered strawberries.

Find me on: Web | Twitter | Facebook

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1 Comment

  1. Taura
    October 30, 2014 / 6:05 pm

    Good article….TSA precheck lets you take kids through with their shoes on. Not to mention you don’t have to pull out liquids and laptops. Lifesaver when traveling with 2 kids and 4 pieces of carry on baggage.
